Glass Splashbacks Melbourne

Glass Splashbacks Melbourne

Hey all.  We get so many questions about Glass Splashbacks by email and phone calls. I have put together a list of the most asked questions and will go through them here. Hope they help to sort out some confusion for you!

The most asked question is: What’s the difference between CLEAR glass Splashbacks and Starphire glass Splashbacks? LOTS!

Green Glass Splashbacks - Melbourne splashbacks

CLEAR Glass has a Green tinge to it (I know it’s weird to call it clear when its obviously not). Just asked my hubby …our top glazier btw  ;). Why it’s called clear and he said. “because there is Green glass available”

Oh now I get it. anyhoo… so Clear Glass makes white paint behind look pale green.

Now, on the otherhand Starphire Glass has no tinge and allows the true colour of the paint behind to appear almost the same (sometimes there may be slight variations).

So my advice is to work out if you like that green look – which is really popular, because its fresh and goes with almost any kitchen. We also have samples made up of colours on the Clear glass that are popular too. Clear Glass Splashbacks are cheaper than Starphire glass Splashbacks – so if price is your concern – choose one of our standard colours.

If you want a specific colour – especially if you want to colour match your glass splashbacks to the rest of the kitchen or home – then choose Starphire glass!

Basically go into Bunnings, Bristol or Dulux stores and grab some paint charts. We can colour match your Glass splashbacks…easy peasy.

paint charts for glass splashbacks

Check out our FAQ glass splashback video here  on you tube. Lots more questions answered.

Chat more next week. 🙂

Our website is HERE

For more info and picture about Glass Splashbacks Click Here